Alden Warr

Alden's career has centered around opportunities to help bring improved healthcare to wider audiences by pushing the envelope of technological innovation. The most recent iteration of this mission is VoCo, an organization dedicated to leveraging easy-to-use, voice-controlled technology to empower seniors to live happier, healthier, more connected lives. In recognition for his work to improve the lives of older adults through VoCo, the International Forum for Advancements in Healthcare recently named Alden a Top 100 Leader in Healthcare. Alden has strong business development and financial leadership experience with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and a Master’s Degree in Finance from Texas A&M University.
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Wellzesta & VoCo: Engaging Seniors & Supporting Staff

Posted by Alden Warr on July 21, 2020


Recent surges in coronavirus cases have made it clear that it may be quite some time before our world returns to normal. This pandemic has particularly impacted seniors and senior living communities, as seniors are facing unprecedented social isolation. Across the country, however, many seniors are getting to know a new friend—Alexa. With more than 3 billion virtual assistants already deployed around the globe, it’s clear that voice-controlled technology is going to continue to play an ever-increasing role in how we interact with each other and our world. Unlike some of the technological revolutions before it, the “Voice Revolution” is finding a special adoption among the older generation. Voice technology, especially when used in conjunction with engagement platforms like Wellzesta, has been shown to enrich seniors’ lives, alleviate workload from community staff, and increase occupancy rates.

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Topics: life plan community wellzesta social connection amazon alexa VoCo