Embracing Lifelong Learning: The Benefits of Taking Up New Challenges

Posted by Bria Patterson on September 1, 2023

It’s back to school season, and while children and young adults prepare to dive into new lessons, seniors too find themselves in the perfect season for embarking on a journey of lifelong learning.

As quoted by American Industrialist Henry Ford, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” 

Health Benefits of Lifelong Learning 

Science also shows learning something new has many health benefits. According to Central Connecticut State University, lifelong learning fights boredom, allows you to adapt better to change, and helps prevent dementia. And it’s centered around improving the myelin in your brain. The Cleveland Clinic describes myelin as a protective sheath that covers the white matter in your brain. 

The white matter allows communication in different areas of the brain. Research from the National Library of Medicine shows as the brain ages, the myelin becomes damaged and can lead to cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's. Researchers for the National Institutes of Health explain lifelong learning can improve the myelination process. 

Here are some creative ways to continue learning:


Online Classes and Webinars

The digital age has brought numerous educational opportunities right to our fingertips. Seniors can enroll in online courses and webinars on various subjects. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer courses on topics ranging from history and science to art and language. There are even free courses from the AARP Tek Academy that offer seminars on technology literacy. These resources allow seniors to modify their learning experiences according to their preferences and schedules.


Volunteering is an excellent way for seniors to acquire new skills while giving back to their communities, whether it’s mentoring young students or assisting in local museums. It’s also a great way to connect with and meet new members within your community. 

Intergenerational Learning

The organization, Generations Working Together, lists intergenerational learning as a way for people of all ages to learn from each other. It involves activities such as storytelling, mentoring, or participating in youth programs. 

Try an App

There’s an app for various topics. According to Experience Life, Duolingo and Rosetta Stone are great apps for learning new languages. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day can help expand your vocabulary. There are even apps to teach you coding, like ­DataCamp and Programming Hub. Click here for additional apps for learning. 

Podcasts and Audiobooks

Dive into the world of podcasts and audiobooks to stay informed and entertained. Whether it’s history, science, or literature, there are countless audio resources available. This even allows you to learn while multitasking, such as during walks or doing chores. For examples of educational podcasts click here.


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