Wellzesta Partners with Voice Provider VoCo

Posted by Kyle Robinson, MA on October 24, 2019

Wellzesta has partnered with VoCo, a leading voice technology provider who offers senior living residents and members access to secure, private messages on Alexa devices. Through this partnership, Wellzesta offers its clients an extended way to access their community-specific data: by asking Alexa.

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Topics: life plan community wellzesta social connection voice technology amazon alexa smart speaker VoCo

Seniors, Personality, and the Pursuit of Wellness

Posted by Evangeline Wilds on August 23, 2019


Wellness programming for seniors is impactful in many ways, due to the fact that it is often multi-dimensional, focusing on a variety of wellness dimensions at once. Classes of all types usually address social wellness, as seniors come together to learn, exercise, or travel. While this can benefit seniors’ social connections, helping them make friends and avoid isolation, it can be intimidating for seniors who are introverted to only have access to wellness programming in group contexts.

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Topics: Senior Living Wellness senior wellness health & wellness wellzesta introverts personality

Embracing Change with Mindfulness

Posted by Kassi Yancey on July 18, 2019


The nature of reality is that change is happening all around us, all the time; everything in life is impermanent.  Yet, the paradox is humans have an adverse reaction to change. We are constantly in resistance to the groundless flow of change.  

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Topics: Wellness Wellbeing Emotional Wellness wellzesta gratitude journaling mindfulness meditation

Making Wellness a Habit

Posted by Evangeline Wilds on July 3, 2019


Author Will Durant once wrote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Habits define us, and as we pursue better health and wellness, our habits can make or break us. Often it’s not the big changes, but the small, daily choices, that lead to a healthier life. In the pursuit of better wellness, here are some of the most effective ways to track your wellness progress and make the most of your daily habits.

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Topics: Senior Living Seniors Wellness Wellbeing Emotional Wellness senior wellness wellzesta bullet journaling gratitude journaling habit tracking

Quick Take-Aways from LeadingAge CAST's Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit

Posted by Kyle Robinson, MA on July 2, 2019


An action-packed, collaborative agenda guided 2019's Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit #CollabCareSummit in Baltimore, MD. Guided by a dedicated team of healthcare and information technology leaders, the conference topics and discussions were deep, robust, and intelligent. The Summit addressed an array of key topics including: interoperability, information exchange networks, payment reform, managed care models, health technology mobile apps, shared care planning, regulatory environments, value-based payment and care reform.

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Topics: collabcaresummit health IT summit LeadingAge CAST LTPAC

Taking the Time to Walk

Posted by Patricia Faust, MGS on May 30, 2019


One of the crazy things about aging is that so much happens to our bodies and our brains that we can’t see. We realize that we just can’t move as well as before, that it is hard to get out of a chair, or our balance just isn’t what it used to be - it can be daunting. How did this even happen?

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Topics: Senior Living Seniors Wellbeing Physical Wellness life plan community senior wellness health & wellness aging walking exercise heart health brain health

Will Eldercare Be Ubered?

Posted by Ravi Bala on May 23, 2019

Despite the recent spate of adverse news regarding Uber, the concept behind Uber and Airbnb - or more generally, a technology-enabled sharing economy - is here to stay and will have a significant impact on the future of every major industry, including eldercare.

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Topics: Senior Living Technology Digital eldercare sharing economy

Find Your CourAGE.

Posted by Kyle Robinson, MA on May 14, 2019

COURAGE - its origin comes from the French word for "heart," so, just as the heart gives our body life and vitality, courage is actually the virtue that brings together all of our other values.

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Topics: Senior Living Seniors life plan community health & wellness aging wellzesta courage inspiration

Are You Wellness-Ready?

Posted by Kelly Stranburg on May 3, 2019

In senior living, especially in recent years, we associate wellness with exercise programs, life enrichment programs, and social events. But what is wellness, really? And is your organization or community truly “wellness ready”?

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Topics: Senior Living Wellbeing life plan community senior wellness health & wellness wellness design ccrc